Handover of Tablets to Parish Chiefs, Chairpersons of PDM SACCOs and CDOs.
Today Amuru District handed over tablets for PDM work to 39 parish chiefs, Chairpersons of PDM SACCOs and CDOs from the sub counties. The function was presided by the Assistant Resident District Commissioner Akello Helle Nyakesu, Stephen Ojara the PaCao and OWC coordinator. The tablets were given by Ministry of Local Government to help improve service delivery especially with the implementation of PDM.The Parish Chiefs had been facing a challenge of lack of digital gadgets during the implementation of PDM. The Assistant Resident District Commissioner tasked the district Pdm team to raise the level of implementation of Pdm in the district. She also urged the parish chiefs to identify and document success stories of pdm within their respective parishes. She summarized by calling on the team to be ready for the Presidents regional PDM tour.